23 - 24 October, 2018 | Pullman Melbourne Albert Park, Melbourne, VIC

Conference Day One: Tuesday, 23rd October 2018

8:30 am - 9:00 am Coffee & Registration

Joanne Banyer, Change Lead and Manager Change Management, Training and Communication at Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

Joanne Banyer

Change Lead and Manager Change Management, Training and Communication
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

9:10 am - 9:50 am International Keynote: Personal Purpose as a Powerful Ally in Driving Emotional Commitment and Engagement: Twitter’s Powerful Tool in Generating $1 Billion in Revenue

In just two years, Twitter has successfully identified key factors that drive their employee’s levels of engagement. In 2014, Twitter generated $1 billion in revenue without having any obvious revenue or clear business models prior. With more than 1300 employees in a rapidly evolving environment, Twitter ensures that it is building a values-based culture whilst keeping its employees engaged and inspired. In this session, Sarah will highlight the importance of driving emotional commitment and engagement.

  • Twitter’s comeback journey and the underpinning ingredients
  • Embedding effective communication channels to accommodate for different personalities
  • CEO-led Management Sessions: How to coach leaders into a transparent communication styles
  • The impact of executing pulses surveys every six months
  • Giving continuous feedback- up, down and across
Sarah Elizabeth (Tooker) Graham, Employee Communications & Culture Manager at Twitter USA

Sarah Elizabeth (Tooker) Graham

Employee Communications & Culture Manager
Twitter USA

9:50 am - 10:30 am Case Study: Business Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR) Transformation in the Financial Services Industry – The importance of building a culture of trust through “accountability”.

This talk will address current community sentiment, how APRA as a regulator has responded to this, and the overall impact on the Financial Services Industry.

  • Building trust through accountability
  • Touching on current community sentiment,
  • Discussing APRA as a regulator
  • Evaluating the impact this has had on the financial services industry.
Stacey Scott, Head of Change Release Management at Westpac

Stacey Scott

Head of Change Release Management

10:30 am - 11:00 am Speed Networking

11:00 am - 11:30 am Morning Tea

11:30 am - 12:10 pm From Vision to Reality: The Three Must-Haves of Executing Change

Organisational Change Management is already seen as an essential element of transitioning an organsiation to new ways of working. Change capability is at the core of any change initiative (whether it is long term strategic change, or a short term tactical shift) and building change capability requires structure and intent. In this session, Daniel will take you on his journey on how he has witnessed the execution of OCM and the attempts by organisation have to increase their change capability.

The discusssion will then centre around three "must-haves" for any organsation looking to introduce change.

  1. Leadership: Own, sponsor advocate, enact, drive, being the change (not just creating the vision).
  2. Performance measurement: Aligning KPIs and role mandates to drive desired behaviours and outcome
  3. Designing for the future: The importance of designing for the long term to attract and retain talent.
Daniel Lee Smith, Change Lead at Energy Australia

Daniel Lee Smith

Change Lead
Energy Australia

12:10 pm - 12:50 pm Design Thinking Meets Change Management: Tapping into Design Thinking to Improve Change Management Outcomes

There are no guidelines to managing culture and it still remains as elusive and mysterious as ever. In this session, Jonathan, a passionate customer-centric business leader from Wells Fargo will shed light upon how design thinking approaches can innovate cultural changes and evolve new ways of working. He will present case studies and lessons learnt to help you take a step closer in winning this war with cultural transformation.

  • Design thinking used a framework for product development thinking and innovative solutions
  • Lessons Learnt: How to use the designing thinking framework to drive cultural changes in challenging times
  • Creating a common framework goal to increase buy-ins
  • Everyone is different: Compare the 3 models of Design Thinking Models
Michelle Fenwick, Executive Director - People & Culture at The Northern Hospital

Michelle Fenwick

Executive Director - People & Culture
The Northern Hospital

12:50 pm - 1:50 pm Lunch

Interactive Discussion Groups

This is your chance to make your conference experience truly interactive and collaborative. Each IDG is set in a roundtable format and will be facilitated by an expert practitioner and thought leader in the space. In two rotations, each IDG will last for 30 minutes.


1:50 pm - 2:30 pm How to Embed Change into Your Organizational DNA and Ensure New Ways of Working are Adopted
Lynn Penny, Group General Manager Procurement and Internal Premises at Mirvac

Lynn Penny

Group General Manager Procurement and Internal Premises


1:50 pm - 2:30 pm Constructing a Progressive Culture with End-to End Employee Lifecycle Management and Communication Strategies
Yvonne Lewandowski, Diversity, Inclusion & Development Lead at QLD Urban Utilities

Yvonne Lewandowski

Diversity, Inclusion & Development Lead
QLD Urban Utilities


1:50 pm - 2:30 pm Utilizing Enterprise Change Heatmaps to Optimize Operational Discussions For High Business Impact
Karen Mcleod, Transformation Change Manager at Water NSW

Karen Mcleod

Transformation Change Manager
Water NSW

2:30 pm - 3:10 pm How to Cultivate Leaders to Successfully Drive Change and Engage Employees with Both the Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches

Cultural change cannot be left to chance- leaders must create and manage it. A successful change in culture stems from a leader-led approach. In this session, Joanne, an experienced change leader with experience across various organizations will draw from case studies on what effective leadership entails and methodologies to gain staff buy-in.

  • What does it mean to do change well?
  • Drawing from case studies to highlight the real challenges across culture and change management
  • How to sell the benefits of change with effective communication and training
  • Personal experience: How employees have reacted to change
  • It’s all about timing and communication
Joanne Banyer, Change Lead and Manager Change Management, Training and Communication at Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

Joanne Banyer

Change Lead and Manager Change Management, Training and Communication
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

3:10 pm - 3:40 pm Afternoon Tea

There is an overall statement with 2 debaters whereby each debater will prepare a 10 minute argument- one for the affirmative and one for the negative. At the end of the session, the audience will have a chance to ask questions and ‘vote’ for the winner.

Middle management is often viewed as a hindrance to operational performance and its removal is vital for a successful change management.
Renata Sguario, Head of Sales and Operations Shared Services at Latitude Financial Services

Renata Sguario

Head of Sales and Operations Shared Services
Latitude Financial Services

Michelle Fenwick, Executive Director - People & Culture at The Northern Hospital

Michelle Fenwick

Executive Director - People & Culture
The Northern Hospital

4:40 pm - 5:20 pm Champagne Roundtable Discussion

This session will give you the opportunity to drink champagne while discussing the following question in roundtables, before reporting back to the room.

  • Discuss initiatives and strategies to up-skill and re-train your staff after a change program to retain talent.
Joanne Banyer, Change Lead and Manager Change Management, Training and Communication at Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

Joanne Banyer

Change Lead and Manager Change Management, Training and Communication
Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet

5:30 pm - 5:30 pm Networking Drinks